
Overbought stocks

This screener shows stocks having RSI or stochastic above 80 or in over bought zone or just starting to fall. So this is considered to be the best point entry (See chart) for short selling. So scan every day to get fresh starting of breakdown stocks to get good entry point. Also you can use false level strategy to know from where stock can reverse from middle in case of false trend. Practice Virtually for 1 month to learn.

SymbolCompany nameChange%closevolumelotsizeMarket CapIndustryView Chart
AARVEEDENAarvee Denims & Exports Limited-1.05132.00279300Small CapTextilesAARVEEDEN
L&TFHL&T Finance Holdings Limited-0.22160.9568331004462Mid CapFinancial ServicesL&TFH
GMRINFRAGMR Infrastructure Limited0.3585.131432540011250Large CapInfrastructureGMRINFRA
MCDOWELL-NUnited Spirits Limited0.541305.451533820700Large CapBreweriesMCDOWELL-N
IBREALESTIndiabulls Real Estate Limited0.92150.3593008200Small CapRealtyIBREALEST
SBILIFESBI Life Insurance Company Limited2.171499.254320370750Large CapFinancial ServicesSBILIFE
RGLRenaissance Global Limited2.38184.6913193800Small CapJewelleryRGL
UJJIVANUjjivan Financial Services Limited2.62589.5029826300Mid CapFinancial ServicesUJJIVAN
TATAMTRDVRTata Motors Limited2.93768.65110928000Large CapAutomobile and Auto ComponentsTATAMTRDVR
ESCORTSEscorts Limited4.273439.001595630275Mid CapCapital GoodsESCORTS
GOLDIAMGoldiam International Limited10.98519.953814990Small CapJewelleryGOLDIAM
AEGISCHEMAegis Logistics Limited12.15791.1542314200Small CapOil Gas & Consumable FuelsAEGISCHEM

 User can use the overbought stocks NSE screener to scan over bought stocks whose stochastic is above 80 or stock is starting to fall. The stiffness in stochastic shows strength in selling. But remember 40% time stocks shows red candle creating false bearish trend but reverse from middle and traps many. This is a false trend and you can identify it much before using advance technical analysis. Sometimes stochastic remains above 80 but still it goes up and up. It has also reason and you can know it much before that it will move in BOD pattern and also you can know how much it can further move up. So using advance technical analysis you can learn how to identify it much before. Call/Whatsapp- 9438303996 for doubt clear.

Disclaimer: Use this screener daily to find technically good pattern stock and trade virtually or without using real money to learn better as involvement of real money influences your emotion and thus your decision. Technical Analysis charts and tools provided are algorithm based and only for learning and research purpose. Please be aware of risk involved and consult your own financial advisor.